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Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018 - 10:44 a.m.


Welp the shit has hit the fucking fan here. Literally. About a month-and-a-half ago my brother-in-law knocked on my door in the middle of the night. He told me that my sister was out of control. He said that he caught her cheating and her supposed boyfriend pulled a knife on him when he confronted them. He said that she's been doing some major drugs and that she has been spending money frivolously. About a week later he drained all of their money out of their bank account and put it in my safe. He basically cut her off financially. Mind you my sister only works two days a week if that and hasn't really worked since she had her two kids almost 18 years ago. sister found out about it...I hadn't even had the money for 24 hours...and she came raging over to my house demanding that I give her the money. I could tell that she was all drugged up on something so I refused. She threatened to call the cops on me. She got in my face and we got into a huge fight. Needless to say I ended up giving her the money against my better judgement. I also called our Dad and she is mad at me about that too. Everything was fine until she started in again on me and the abuser got in between us. He basically told her if she would have closed her fucking legs and stopped being a whore then maybe my brother-in-law wouldn't have cut her off.

My sister has cheated on my brother-in-law probably about 6 times..... at least that I know about. Now she is going around saying that my brother-in-law is beating her and is emotionally abusive and controlling. She is also saying that my brother-in-law turned me against her. Meanwhile she is hardly ever home and stays at different guys houses. They all supply her with drugs. My 17 year old niece is getting ready to graduate high school this next year. She has also come to me saying the exact same thing that my brother-in-law has told me. My sister is basically a walking skeleton. My sister also has cut me out of her life and will not talk to me. I told my Mom what was going on and my Mom doesn't really want to have anything to do with her either. My sister has a nickname in town....she is the Town Bicycle. Not many people like her and at parties or get-togethers with other people I have had to defend her. I have pretty much given up on the relationship and she is not welcome in my house. She has always called me to bail her out or when she needs something but never to just hang out with me. Christmas should be interesting.

Meanwhile the abuser is as the abuser does. This morning he got angry because there was dog hair all over his hoodie. He blew things way out of proportion....slamming doors and throwing things. I had a conversation with him about a week ago regarding his anger management issues and the lack of respect. He told me that he's lucky he can refrain from hitting me again because Lord knows he's thought about it multiple times. Let me tell you it really makes me feel loved and want to stay in this relationship. **sarcasm** He keeps complaining that we don't have sex and we aren't intimate anymore. Gee I fucking wonder why!

A couple months ago I was going to leave. I had found a house closer to the city but still up in the mountains. It would have been perfect. However whomever was renting out the house never returned my messages so I guess it wasn't meant to be. I am still looking but there isn't much out there this time of year. The only way that I am going to escape both my sister and the abuser is if I move away.

My mom says that when she visits for Christmas she is not going to stay with my sister but instead will stay with me. So like I said things should be interesting.

I just don't know how much more of this I can fucking take.


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