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Tuesday, Jun. 05, 2018 - 12:35 p.m.


Well I guess it's been awhile hasn't it. Things here have been going ok...better than normal I suppose. Now before you get too excited I will say the abuser still lives here. He got a job about 3 months ago after I told him I was fucking done and to find some other bitch to manipulate and abuse. I told him I was sick of waiting for him to get his shit together and that we had completely different goals in life so it was better if we parted ways....that he was nothing but a leech...a soul sucking burden that thankfully I will be rid of soon.

So it was a surprise when he got a job. He did so well at his first job now he has a second job...(same guy owns both places). He has been helping out with bills and stepping up a lot more. Child support is now garnishing his wages so that is paid and his drivers license was released from suspension because now he is complaint in paying the stated amount plus a bit goes to the arrears. Once he gets it low enough he will be able to get a passport. He says he hasn't had a real job in 8 years but says it feels good to take care of everything. This has translated into respect and a better relationship as well. He has started to want the same as I do in life.

Granted...I am still broke. I got slapped with an IRS audit of his business and owe about $10,000 in back taxes. Fucking blood suckers. So.....I will be on a payment plan for the rest of my life pretty much with those assholes.

His sister is coming to visit in a few weeks for the first time so we will see how that goes. Her and I get along great.

Mind you....the hurt and pain from what he has done hasn't left. He is still a mean...selfish fuck from time to time and recently has accused me of cheating again. He justifies it by pointing out that we don't really have sex anymore and feels the single neighbor has been making house calls while he is at work. I told him welp if you feel that's the truth then there's the door because you and I both know that's absolute bullshit. I have to have an emotional connection to have sex and you being mean....saying nasty shit to me and accusing me of cheating isn't helping.

So...yeh....I dunno. Last night I got super pissed and just went to bed. It's still all about him. He is getting better slowly and learning how to love the right way but for isn't fast enough. I have put up with almost 5 years of fucking torture and I am not giving one more inch. Fuck that and fuck him.


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